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Image by Olga Thelavart

IPL Vascular Treatment

As we get older it is completely normal for broken capillaries and spider veins to appear on our face mainly around the nose, cheeks, mouths and chin.   IPL (Intense Pulsed Light technology) is the most commonly used treatment to eliminate these veins because it is non-invasive and safe with little or no side effects. 


The treatment works by the light wavelength finding haemoglobin (blood) and reducing the colour and then cauterising the vein. 


These benefits:

- will not damage surrounding skin 
- boosts collagen 
- is the safest method 
- pinpoints accuracy 


We can help with:

- thread veins

- broken capillaries

- spider veins

- early detection of veins


We cannot do varicose veins but we can refer you to a specialist.

How many treatments will I need?

It is best to arrange an initial consultation to determine how many sessions with be needed.

Will it hurt?

Some people find it a little uncomfortable but it is not a painful procedure.  The process makes red veins go black initially and they will shrink and fade usually within 12 hours.  You will need to wear dressings afterwards for up to 3 days and these will need changing.  We can advise or you can visit us so we can help with the re-dressing.  This procedure does not break the skin but we still apply an antibacterial/antiseptic cream to help in the healing process.

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